Due to the current health conditions, and until further notice, we have restricted in-person access to our offices to only those persons that are employed by Southern States Management Group, Inc. While there may be some confusion surrounding that, please be advised that Southern States Management Group, Inc. continues to operate and maintain its regular office hours, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., weekdays, just with restrictions on routine foot traffic in and out of our offices. Association Directors and homeowners requiring assistance are asked to contact us, during regular business hours, by telephone (386-446-6333) or by email, to the respective community manager, with all requests for assistance and we will strive to respond to your communication within the very business day it is received. Please no in-person office visits until the current governmental health bans have been lifted!
For the further safety of our staff, Community Managers will be participating in all association meetings remotely for the time being – Via telephone, conference calling or skype. Prior to each event clients and managers will carefully determine the level of assistance and participation that is specifically required for every individual client meeting and then facilitate accordingly. All routine administrative tasks will continue to be processed by our staff as a part of their regular work day.
In the event there is an after-hours emergency affecting the entire community or condominium building and you require assistance, you may continue to contact Southern States Management Group, Inc. at 386-446-6333, Option 8.
Thank you for your continued cooperation and support during these extraordinary times.
Fred Annon
Main Office: 386-446-6333 Extension 303
Direct: 386-597-8117 | Fax: 386-446-1830 | Email
With thoughtful consideration and feedback from multiple attendees and partners, we have decided to reschedule the April 29th HOA/COA Conference to Wednesday, May 20 at the Cici & Hyatt Brown Art Museum. We hope this new date assures as much safety and success as possible for all participants. Thank you to the team at the Museum of Arts & Sciences for all their support.
To register for this date, please sign-up online. If you have already signed up for the April 29th date, we will keep your registration unless we hear from you. Please email us.
